Basic Information:
Title: Chu King and Nanyue King of Han Dynasty
Writer: Museum of the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King and Xuzhou Museum
Press:Lingnan Art Publishing House
Publish time: 2016.8
In the vast territory of the unified great Han Dynasty, regional cultures were abundant. “Chu King and Nanyue King of Han Dynasty” was one of the serious exhibitions of Kings of Han Dynasty, which were organized by Museum of the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of Nanyue King and Xuzhou Museum together. This exhibition was not only the exploration of culture varieties, but also the presentation of the unified culture of Han Dynasty. Moreover, this exhibition received an extensive attention and provided a reference for the subsequent exhibition and research.
The exhibition is the organic component of the book. Pictures are the combination and summary of the result of the exhibition. Words are the discussion and research of the relevant subjects in the exhibition. We hope that the exhibition and this book will lead to the full attention and recognition of Han culture.